About our auctions How long has Vance Auctions been running auctions?
It all started in 1972. Since then we have offered over 2,000,000 lots in all sizes and price ranges. How often are your sales?
We run six sales every year, so they are eight or nine weeks apart. Will I be charged a buyer's fee?
No. Successful bidders are charged only the hammer price and the actual cost of shipping and insurance. Canadian bidders are also charged the applicable rate of GST or HST. Does Vance Auctions offer large lots?
Yes. Our auctions always include hundreds of large lots including collections, accumulations, box lots, dealer's stocks, and mixtures. These lots can be found in two sections of each catalogue: the Miscellaneous section at the beginning of the catalogue, and the Caboose section at the end. Do you offer small lots of single stamps, sets, and covers?
Yes. Every sale includes thousands of small lots of stamps and postal history from around the world. What are the prices at the end of every lot description?
Every lot in the auction is listed with either a catalogue value or an estimated value. Catalogue values: Throughout the auction, lots are listed with their current Scott catalogue values unless otherwise noted. You decide what percentage of the catalogue value you want to bid. Estimated values: Some lots are listed with estimated values (i.e. Est 50.00), which indicate what we believe the lots are actually worth after taking things like catalogue value, condition, and demand into consideration. We have found that estimated lots usually sell for between 70% and 125% of the estimates. Bids under 70% of the estimate seem to stand a reduced chance of success. Can I return a lot if I feel that it has been misdescribed?
Yes. Every effort is made to insure that our lot descriptions are complete and correct, but if we make a mistake you can return the lot for a full and prompt refund.
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